Our FIVengage report into Regulation & Innovation in the Foundation Industries in partnership with AMION and Civikas.
To further unblock barriers to commercialisation, FIVe has delivered a Regulatory Science and Innovation Network (FIVengage) with funding from Innovate UK, to better inform pro-innovation policies, introduce flexible performance-based standards, and support the delivery of pilot projects to demonstrate new innovations at scale.
The learnings from this network can be seen in the following two reports which not only help us better understand the nature of regulatory barriers impacting the Foundation Industries but help identify interventions and provide the research-based insights to influence future policy and regulatory frameworks.
The first is our full Regulation and Innovation Report, the second a shorter report focussed on the economic, industrial and institutional barriers and cross-cutting themes from with the main report.
•Regulation and Innovation Report
•Regulatory Barriers Report
Published: 19-11-2024
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